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Team Tactics Lessons​

What you will find here is an archive for the lessons that we have been learning.  I will be putting together a series of videos and tutorials so you can easily take a look at what we learned the week before... so you can apply it in the following sessions.

Corner Work
  • Roles in The Defensive End​
  • Breaking out​
  • The Centerman

Back Check
  • Forechecking
One timers
  • Power Play
  • Penalty Kill
  • PowerPlay Break Outs
Protect the Puck
  • Offensive Zone Options
Neutral Zone
  • Neutral Zone Regroup
Snap Shots
  • Break Aways!

Kellian Hockey, Serving Waterbury and Stowe, VT.  (802) 578-8713 .  All Rights Reserved 2012-2024

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